Well....little Miss Natalie was officially introduced to the POTTY this weekend. I had noticed for the last couple of weeks that she had been really interested in all "areas" of that nature. So I did a little research and discovered that there are a lot of kids out there who are potty trained by 18 months! WHO KNEW! I thought I had at LEAST 1.5 more years of diapers. Well....I still might....but I am getting ahead of myself!
Anyway! After reading lots of online reviews (YES on potty chairs...I know I am a nerd!) I decided on this one. Its seemed cute and likeable and small enough for little tiny hiney. when we got to Wal-Mart I set her on it just to make sure it didn't swallow her...and it was a perfect fit! Well....long story short Natalie threw an epic fit when I took her off of it! EPIC! Threw her new ball down the baby food aisle and SCREAMED. Yes folks...I was that parent who everyone looks at like you just beat your child in the face! Because my discipline skills are EXCELLENT....I decided to leave the ball there and she couldn't have it because she was being a butt. Steven late made me get it because...after all she is only one and really doesn't know the difference if I get her the ball or not!
Skip to Saturday morning where we did our usual routine of milk in the bed with Mama and Daddy and then we tried the potty. A double success on the first try! I won't get graphic so don't worry! Immediatly Natalie reaches over reaching for a magazine....what? Yea she reached for a magazine and proceeds to sit on the potty for a few more minutes pretending to read the dang thing! Hmmmm....I wonder where she picked that one up! Sigh...the child is too smart!
All day Saturday Natalie was a champion pottier and loved it! Everytime I suggested the potty she took a flying leap towards the bathroom! I have to admit putting a diaper on standing up is not ideal but hey....pull ups are expensive and I think its a little soon for that anyway!
Needless to say we are not pushing the potty. We have no reason to really. We are simply introducing the potty to Natalie in hopes that her stubborn streak doesn't hit at 2 and she decides that isn't going to use a potty because SHE DOESN'T FEEL LIKE IT! I think that it will be at least a few months before there is a real habit formed but HEY...at least she likes the potty.
I am very proud of my sweet girl and hopefully in a few months I will be posting an official POTTY TRAINED post!
Until next time...May your magazines be interesting and Happy Pottying!