Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Look Who's Talking Now!

OK don't fuss at me! I know its been awhile since I posted! I can't help it! In the last couple of months I have nearly lost my mind with work! Two work trips with teenagers and 4-H Achivement Day have come and gone and I am WHOOPED! I had to take half a day off just to clean my house!!!! Anyway...on to the point of this post!

We went through a tough week last week! After Ava's fabulous 3rd birthday....we had to take Natalie to the hospital because she had spiked a fever! Now I am not one to run to the ER but 104 fever and a pretty much lethargic child sent me running! Turns out she was was just strep but it was scary nonetheless! She felt pretty down the whole week but we were looking forward to a weekend visit from Nanna and Papa and she was fully recovered by the weekend! So now onto the big NEWS!
My child has learned how to talk!

Well....she says about we go with that! Haha! She has been saying things like Dada, Mama, Dada, Dada, Dada, Ball, you know...the basics. I have really been trying to get her to say more but being a Becnel...she is a little stubborn and well....turdish sometimes! But as of Sunday she started saying more words and I was SO excited!

Well until she started using those words! Words like NO and STOP and BAD! Now its really cute when she walks over to Steven and says...BAD DADA and swats at him....but its not so cute when I am trying to change her diaper or her clothes and she is screaming STOP STOP NO NO! Its even LESS CUTE when she an unidentified something in her mouth and when I tackle her to get it out she clamps her gums shut and yells NOO NOOO NOOO!

Anyway I know this is just part of motherhood and when we are sitting on the couch at night watching Dancing With The Stars with her in my lap, fresh out of her bath, in her makes it all ok! Until she slaps me and says NO NO! Oh I love her :)

No pictures this time because I am horrible about taking pictures! But I will post some soon I promise!