In my last post I talked about how Natalie has learned some new of them being NO NO NO! Well since then its like she has lost her mind! Before this she wasn't neccesarily an angel child, but if I asked her to do bring me that, or come here....she would mostly obey me. WEELLL not anymore. She has turned into a completely defiant child. Right after she had be in the ER for a high fever I started to think the fever had effected her hearing. I would call her, then yell her name, and wave my hands...NOTHING! I was convinced she had gone deaf from the fever and all hope was lost! Nope....she was just ignoring me.
Case in point....the ball park last night.
My little sister and niece are now playing softball and because we are such a closenit family we are trying to make it to all of the games.
We start out in the stroller. That doesn't last very long because Natalie loves to explore! If we are in the mall or at the zoo or something and she has to sit in the stroller for a while she doesn't mind it. However, she is not real keen on just sitting still. So I let her out....yea I know....dumb
She was ok for a while, playing right beside me...but then she just went crazy. Running everywhere and not listening! Then when my niece Ava was sitting in Natty's stroller, she went up to her and started hitting her to make her get up. AND THEN started digging her fingernails and scratching her legs! I had had it and sorta popped her on the front of people. Now it didn't effect her much because she is the devil child and she DOES WHAT SHE WANTS THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! But I was so embarrassed! I know you shouldn't spank but it was like she had lost her mind!
Anyway! I don't like this stage and I can't wait for her to gain a little more awareness so she isn't so MEAN! I am just so frustrated with her behavior and actions I can't even tell you. I still love her and she is so sweet and has started "double-arm" hugging but something has to give!!!! So for now I just take deep breaths and try not to be a bad mother...but its REALLY HARD! This too shall pass....I HOPE!

The NO look