Well Natalie...we made it 5 months! In just the last few weeks you have grown so much its incredible! You are such a good sitter and its only a matter of time before you can sit all by yourself! You still hate to be on your tummy....we may just have to skip the crawling thing! You are so smiley! It doesn't matter what anyone says you think its funny! For some reason the funniest thing in the world to you is when I have the handle of your paci in my mouth and I talk to you! It cracks you up everytime! You LOVE swimming! It doesn't matter how cold! It must be very relaxing because your body just relaxes and you go to sleep after a while! You had your first major sickness this month. You had to get a big bad shot for a respiratory infection after a friendly encounter with a fluffy cat, but we made it through!
Your daddy is really starting to catch on the this whole parent thing! He holds you and plays with you more and you love him so much! Everytime he walks in the room you stare him down, especially when he is in his uniform! You are so much like him! He can't ever deny you for sure! You look like him and you act like him!
You are really taking to solid foods. So far you LOVE the sweet potatoes and applesauce, the pears and the squash are ok but you at least tolerate them!
Unfortunately you are developing a little attitude. You are now throwing fits...its kind of funny to watch and I just let you do it because you eventually calm down...another daddy symptom I'm afraid!
I can't believe its almost been half a year! I love you!

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