This past weekend was looongg with no rest...of course! Nanna and Papa came to visit for the weekend and they barely put you down....shock! Most of the family came over to our house for a BBQ and it was SO hot because everyone kept going in and out of the house, letting the cold air out...grrr! Natalie had a great day though playing with her cousins Delaney and Jayden, and of course Ava, KK, and Lisa (Aunt not cousin). Natalie had a festive 4-H of July outfit from Nanna and Auntie Caca. Everyone loved the Tutu that I made for Natalie....I am going to get her 6 month pictures taken in it since it came out so well! After everyone left we went to Mandeville to watch the fireworks on the lakefront. They were pretty far away but you go the gist without having to pay :) On Sunday everyone went home and we had a day to just hang out with the three of us. It was so nice just to lay around on the bed playing with Natalie and watching her wiggle her little butt all around trying to crawl! I can't wait for vacation! It can't come soon enough for me!

In my festive outfit!

I needed a bath after Nanna tried to feed me cheetos
The End!
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