Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, April 27, 2009

Nat's First Rice Cereal

Well....I thought I was going to wait until Natalie turned 4 months to give her rice cereal....but I thought the Friday before wouldn't make that much of a difference. We were at Ashlyn's and I decided to see what she would was an interesting experience. At first she screamed....I think it was that I put her down before she was good and we tried again after a few minutes and it actually went quite well. She ate it pretty well but didn't eat very much! She actually opened up her mouth a couple of times. She mostly spit it out but I don't think it was on purpose. She really doesn't have the whole eating off a spoon thing down yet. We have been practicing every night and maybe by the time she is actually supposed to be eating it she will have it down! She is very close to rolling over...she just can't get her big Becnel butt over the hump! She is going to the Dr. on Friday so I will have an update of "stats". That is....if I make it through Achievement Day on Wednesday!

We also put in our new floors this weekend! Yay for no more disgusting carpet! I hope we increased the value of our house and not decreased it by doing it ourselves! No it really looks great! I am super excited! I can't wait to show it off!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter from the Becnels! We had a pretty exciting weekend! Mama, Daddy, and Carly (Nanna, Papa, and Caca) came for the weekend and Natalie didn't touch her swing the whole time! It was a record I think. We finally bought our floor and I am super excited! I slightly stroked when the man told me the total for everything but other than that I think I am liking the floor more than I am missing the money! I only have to wait two more weeks before it actually gets installed by my hopefully proficient father in law and step father in law!

Papa helping Natty make his classic picture pose...the peace sign

We went shopping for a dress for Natalie for my cousin's wedding in a couple of weeks. She has lots of cute stuff but nothing really weddingey. We found a really cute cotton dress in a pretty green that looks fantastic!

Nanna with the cutest little Easter Bunny in Louisiana

Today we ate an early lunch with everyone and headed over to Steven's mom's house. Thank goodness we had already eaten because when the oven beeped that their ham was ready Steven went to take it out and realized the oven was off! So finally they ate at about 4. We bought all of the girls bunny ears and they all loved them....Ava only loved hers for about 30 seconds but hey...I take what I can get. We got Nat an Easter basket which I am sure was lost on her but I got some good pictures of her with it and the huge lamb that Nanna brought with her! It amazes me daily how fast this child is growing!

Natalie checking out her Easter Basket

I can't believe she is coming up on 4 months in a couple of weeks! Judging from her legs I still think she is going to be tall! I told Ashlyn today that hopefully if she grows up to have her daddy's body at least she will have a pretty face! She is reaching milestones like crazy and her personality is shining! I was getting ready to go this morning and I had already strapped her into hear seat...hoping she would fall asleep before we left and when I came back around the corner I heard her laughing...I walked in the living room and she was watching Madagascar.....intently....and laughing at the Zebra! She loves TV and I know you aren't supposed to let them watch TV until they are 15 or whatever but its all she wants to do! It warmed her daddy's heart that she loves cartoons. I have had to tell him more than once that she is too young to buy movies for but now there is no stopping him!!

Now Natalie is pooped and sleeping in my lap. Its pretty hard to keep up the charm all day! All in all it was a great weekend without being super tired at the end! Until next time!