Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

4-H Camp and Remotes

I feel like a lazy mommy because I haven't posted in a while! Things have been really busy around here getting ready for 4-H Camp and 4-H U. I will be so glad when the month of June is gone! Natalie is eating so much more! I am still worried she is getting too much baby food and not enough formula but she is growing out of diapers and clothes so I assume that she is growing enough! She is moving up to size 3 diapers and is already in some 6-9 month clothes! Amazing!

I had to leave her for the first time last week. It was HARD. Mama kept her while I was at 4-H camp and I didn't get to see her for the whole week! I was so happy to see her on Friday! I leave for 4-H U aka Short Course next week. Steven is going to be on his own so I am little worried but he should do fine.

Natalie's new thing is electronics. She throws a fit if I won't give her the remote and/or my cell phone. She is also so much more wiggly and active! She flipped herself right out of her Bumbo yesterday and smacked her head on the book she was holding. Thankfully I was right there to catch her before she fell out comepletely! She is in love with toys which could be anything from the expensive toys Steven has to have for her or just simply playing with the diaper while I am getting ready to change her! She is so delightful! I know that is a cheesy old lady word but that is just about the only word I can think of to describe it!

She is also laughing out loud like everything is hilarious! She grabbed for a chocolate cupcake the other day (and almost succeeded) and the only way I could think of the get the icing off of her had was to lick it off....well apparently that was the funniest thing ever! She belly laughed! HARD! It was the greatest sound in the world!

My work load has been heavy lately and I can't wait until this month is over and I get some down time! July means slowing down and vacation for me. I also want to take a trip to Biloxi soon even though its kind of gross! But we don't get to go to Florida this year so its the best I get!

I also lost my paternal grandfather this Sunday. I have been very down about it because I am not going to be able go get up to St. Louis for the services. Between work and not wanting to take Natalie on a 12 hour trip by myself, I just can't swing it. Luckily my family understand and we are going to have a little service in July when we are able to get up there. I will miss him a lot. I think I am the most upset because Natalie won't be able to meet either one of my grandfathers. Mama says that we will just have to keep his memory with her by telling her stories and showing her pictures. I know that this is all a part of life but its still hard.

Well now that I have spilled my guts for now I will let you get back to your life!

Natalie's first trip to Camp Grant Walker

Smiley Becnel!

Mugging for the Camera

Going for the foot

Wearing her bikini bottoms on her head!

1 comment:

Carey said...

How funny is that pic of Camp Grant Walker--her first trip of many I'm sure :)
She is so big and absolutely adorabable! We give Emerson the remote to the DVD player (which isn't even hooked up) so she can go to town it!