Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Sick Week
Well its day 3 of sick week here at the Becnel household. Monday - I took Natalie to the dr. to see what was up with her lingering cold/cough. She got an antibiotic shot, 2nd dose of seasonal flu shot and first dose of H1N1 shot. Two hours later she threw up all in the car....and then again when we got home, and then again! I thought it was the shots but it turned out she must have had a virus because on Tuesday I started throwing up...ALL DAY it was horrible! Natalie was fine and ate all day with no problems. We woke up Wednesday morning (today) I felt better, Natalie had "exploded" all over her diaper so then we took a bath. She ate her bottle during the bath and was fine...all of a sudden she threw up again!!!! She is still acting fine...playing, being her crazy self! I am hoping that this last throw up was because she coughed too hard and her tummy is still a little sensative! HOPE HOPE HOPE! I know that this is just one of many sick weeks that we will have and this is not the last time I will catch something from Natalie.'s hoping we all get well soon!
Sunday, September 20, 2009

This is kind of corny but I heard this on the Hannah Montana Movie and it really made me think of Natalie (apparently things like this happen a lot when you have children!)
Caterpillar in the tree
How you wonder who you'll be
Can't go far but you can always dream
Wish you may and wish you might
Don't you worry, hold on tight
I promise you there will come a day
Butterfly fly away
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Our trip to the "quarium"
Last weekend we went "across the lake" to the aquarium...or "quarium" as the kids call it. We never go over there for much other than to go visit Steven's dad but it was fun trip all around! We went with Ava and Katelynn and Donnie and Lisa came along with us! We also went with Steven's Dad, Stepmom, and step-nephew Ty. I was very excited because I knew the girls would LOVE IT! Especially Ava. We had Ava in the car with us and it was almost like a glimpse into the future when we have another child. I kept asking her if Natalie was sleeping and she would say "noooo" One time she said "nnooo...yea"! and then proceeded to tell me "Natty sleepin!! NATTY SLEEPIN!!! NANNY NATTY SLEEPIN" All I could do was laugh because if she was sleeping she probably wasn't anymore. Ava and I also had a discussion about the dolphins in the lake. I asked her if she could see them and she said no. I told her they must be taking a nap. All of a sudden she starts yelling! Nanny I see dolphins! I see them sleeping! Man I wish I had the imagination of a 2 year old! She also busted out with "I see a boat!" I leaned over to Steven and you see a boat? There was no boat...but whatever! She is my Ava Lou and you just have to accept the craziness!
Anyway, once we got there I kept telling Steven....don't be disappointed if Natalie doesn't "get" this whole experience....this whole trip was his idea so Natalie could see the 8 month old...but ok whatever! Apparently all he wanted her to see was the glass tunnel in the beginning...$18 a piece for the tunnel in the beginning.....sigh....thats my husband! We had a great time though and Natalie seemed to be paying attention somewhat! The only issue we had was the gift and gift shops don't mix when there is no plan to buy $12-5 inch around- glitter balls! Sorry KK! We made it out alive and were no worse for the wear! I would have pictures but they are on my my home...and I am at work! I do have one that I will steal from Ashlyn...who stole it from me.....

Lisa, Ava, KK, Ty, and Natalie in the middle....chillaxing!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
7 Months
Oh My Natty!
It seems like every time I turn around I am writing another blog entry because you are another month older! I call you a big girl at least once a day.....even though I know you are still a baby! You are sitting up by yourself, pulling up on your bed and anything/anyone else that will let you! I am just going to go ahead and say you are crawling because I think you move faster on your belly! You look like a little lizard but thats ok because you can get ANYWHERE you set your mind to.....and you usually do it with gusto and determination. You keep trying to stand up....I don't know if you are trying to copy Delaney who just stands up in the middle of the floor or what but its cute to see you make a teepee with your little butt! You are officially in the big bathtub now. You love the little rubber ducky who you try to consume each time you get a hold of him! You are constantly smiling and "talking" and smiling some more! You do really well in your pack and play or on the floor playing. You can even put yourself to sleep...which I thought would never happen!!!! I am starting to miss tiny baby days a little bit....not the sleeplessness and the screaming...but the little times when it was just you and me and you wanted me to hold you! I know that its all about independance and I don't want you hanging on my leg for the rest of your life BUT I know you will want me to hold you sometimes and I will just savor those moments then! OH and the cutest thing is that you are reaching for people! Even though I know its just so someone will lift you up so you can see....its still cute. Except at dinner the other night when I was trying to hurry up and finish and you kept holding your arms up to me with the pitiful little face :( . It broke my heart but it was ok because you lived!!!!Anyway I know things are just going to get better as you understand more and more. Hurry and grow up but stay little forever!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
Happy 4th of July!
This past weekend was looongg with no rest...of course! Nanna and Papa came to visit for the weekend and they barely put you down....shock! Most of the family came over to our house for a BBQ and it was SO hot because everyone kept going in and out of the house, letting the cold air out...grrr! Natalie had a great day though playing with her cousins Delaney and Jayden, and of course Ava, KK, and Lisa (Aunt not cousin). Natalie had a festive 4-H of July outfit from Nanna and Auntie Caca. Everyone loved the Tutu that I made for Natalie....I am going to get her 6 month pictures taken in it since it came out so well! After everyone left we went to Mandeville to watch the fireworks on the lakefront. They were pretty far away but you go the gist without having to pay :) On Sunday everyone went home and we had a day to just hang out with the three of us. It was so nice just to lay around on the bed playing with Natalie and watching her wiggle her little butt all around trying to crawl! I can't wait for vacation! It can't come soon enough for me!

In my festive outfit!

I needed a bath after Nanna tried to feed me cheetos
The End!
6 months
You have been 6 months for about a week now and I am just now writing your 6 month update! I have been so busy lately that I feel like I don't get to see you! You are such a big girl now....or so it seems! You are so close to crawling I just want to pick you up and do it for you! At your 6 month check up you weighed a staggering 16lbs 7.5 oz! I was shocked! But I don't know why I was surprised because people can just look at you and tell you have grown so much! You are still working on those teeth and it is very frustrating for me because there is very little I can do for you! You have two fully grown in and you are getting a few more. You can also sit up pretty well now. You can't get up there by yourself but you can stay seated for a good minute or until you decide you need that toy....over there. You are so much fun now with your smiley face and your squeals of joy!! You love wal-mart....its something about the lights that gets you everytime! Not to mention that it takes an hour and a half in there because people keep stopping me to look at you and try to get you to smile....and of won't.....Oh well! Just another way that you are Steven Jr.....well I guess you are Steven III since your daddy is like your PawPaw Paul!
We are going on our first long trip to go visit the Gillett family in a couple of weeks and I am hoping that you will be a good girl and make it the whole way without a meltdown....we will see. Oh and you don't like all!

Natty in the Tutu I made her :)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
4-H Camp and Remotes
I feel like a lazy mommy because I haven't posted in a while! Things have been really busy around here getting ready for 4-H Camp and 4-H U. I will be so glad when the month of June is gone! Natalie is eating so much more! I am still worried she is getting too much baby food and not enough formula but she is growing out of diapers and clothes so I assume that she is growing enough! She is moving up to size 3 diapers and is already in some 6-9 month clothes! Amazing!
I had to leave her for the first time last week. It was HARD. Mama kept her while I was at 4-H camp and I didn't get to see her for the whole week! I was so happy to see her on Friday! I leave for 4-H U aka Short Course next week. Steven is going to be on his own so I am little worried but he should do fine.
Natalie's new thing is electronics. She throws a fit if I won't give her the remote and/or my cell phone. She is also so much more wiggly and active! She flipped herself right out of her Bumbo yesterday and smacked her head on the book she was holding. Thankfully I was right there to catch her before she fell out comepletely! She is in love with toys which could be anything from the expensive toys Steven has to have for her or just simply playing with the diaper while I am getting ready to change her! She is so delightful! I know that is a cheesy old lady word but that is just about the only word I can think of to describe it!
She is also laughing out loud like everything is hilarious! She grabbed for a chocolate cupcake the other day (and almost succeeded) and the only way I could think of the get the icing off of her had was to lick it off....well apparently that was the funniest thing ever! She belly laughed! HARD! It was the greatest sound in the world!
My work load has been heavy lately and I can't wait until this month is over and I get some down time! July means slowing down and vacation for me. I also want to take a trip to Biloxi soon even though its kind of gross! But we don't get to go to Florida this year so its the best I get!
I also lost my paternal grandfather this Sunday. I have been very down about it because I am not going to be able go get up to St. Louis for the services. Between work and not wanting to take Natalie on a 12 hour trip by myself, I just can't swing it. Luckily my family understand and we are going to have a little service in July when we are able to get up there. I will miss him a lot. I think I am the most upset because Natalie won't be able to meet either one of my grandfathers. Mama says that we will just have to keep his memory with her by telling her stories and showing her pictures. I know that this is all a part of life but its still hard.
Well now that I have spilled my guts for now I will let you get back to your life!
I had to leave her for the first time last week. It was HARD. Mama kept her while I was at 4-H camp and I didn't get to see her for the whole week! I was so happy to see her on Friday! I leave for 4-H U aka Short Course next week. Steven is going to be on his own so I am little worried but he should do fine.
Natalie's new thing is electronics. She throws a fit if I won't give her the remote and/or my cell phone. She is also so much more wiggly and active! She flipped herself right out of her Bumbo yesterday and smacked her head on the book she was holding. Thankfully I was right there to catch her before she fell out comepletely! She is in love with toys which could be anything from the expensive toys Steven has to have for her or just simply playing with the diaper while I am getting ready to change her! She is so delightful! I know that is a cheesy old lady word but that is just about the only word I can think of to describe it!
She is also laughing out loud like everything is hilarious! She grabbed for a chocolate cupcake the other day (and almost succeeded) and the only way I could think of the get the icing off of her had was to lick it off....well apparently that was the funniest thing ever! She belly laughed! HARD! It was the greatest sound in the world!
My work load has been heavy lately and I can't wait until this month is over and I get some down time! July means slowing down and vacation for me. I also want to take a trip to Biloxi soon even though its kind of gross! But we don't get to go to Florida this year so its the best I get!
I also lost my paternal grandfather this Sunday. I have been very down about it because I am not going to be able go get up to St. Louis for the services. Between work and not wanting to take Natalie on a 12 hour trip by myself, I just can't swing it. Luckily my family understand and we are going to have a little service in July when we are able to get up there. I will miss him a lot. I think I am the most upset because Natalie won't be able to meet either one of my grandfathers. Mama says that we will just have to keep his memory with her by telling her stories and showing her pictures. I know that this is all a part of life but its still hard.
Well now that I have spilled my guts for now I will let you get back to your life!
Natalie's first trip to Camp Grant Walker
Monday, June 1, 2009
5 Month
Well Natalie...we made it 5 months! In just the last few weeks you have grown so much its incredible! You are such a good sitter and its only a matter of time before you can sit all by yourself! You still hate to be on your tummy....we may just have to skip the crawling thing! You are so smiley! It doesn't matter what anyone says you think its funny! For some reason the funniest thing in the world to you is when I have the handle of your paci in my mouth and I talk to you! It cracks you up everytime! You LOVE swimming! It doesn't matter how cold! It must be very relaxing because your body just relaxes and you go to sleep after a while! You had your first major sickness this month. You had to get a big bad shot for a respiratory infection after a friendly encounter with a fluffy cat, but we made it through!
Your daddy is really starting to catch on the this whole parent thing! He holds you and plays with you more and you love him so much! Everytime he walks in the room you stare him down, especially when he is in his uniform! You are so much like him! He can't ever deny you for sure! You look like him and you act like him!
You are really taking to solid foods. So far you LOVE the sweet potatoes and applesauce, the pears and the squash are ok but you at least tolerate them!
Unfortunately you are developing a little attitude. You are now throwing fits...its kind of funny to watch and I just let you do it because you eventually calm down...another daddy symptom I'm afraid!
I can't believe its almost been half a year! I love you!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Sweet Potatoes and White Trash Weddings
I am really stinking as a blogger these days. I really have nothing to write about...just lots of work! Natalie likes Sweet Potatoes if anyone cares :) I think they are making her gassy....I will have to look that one up. My mama said my papaw used to say to make sure to roll the toots out of the sweet potatoes...hmmm...ok....I am performing my sister in law's wedding ceremony this weekend. She is remarrying her ex-husband....yea I know but they already had the big wedding and now they are trying again. I went online and got ordained. I think it is going to be pretty cool. It is a white trash theme like Heidi Klum and Seal did to renew their vows! It keeps getting worse and worse every day! She calls me with more details and all I can say is...oh Lord! Hey at least there is going to LOTS of free crawfish! I am putting Natalie in her camo and overalls so she will match the theme....I haven't decided what I am going to wear yet. This whole thing came about because I whined that I wasn't going to get to be a bridesmaid so I might wear my bridesmaid dress from Jessamy and Beau's wedding just to make it extra trashy! Wish me luck! Hey maybe I will be so good at it that I can start charging people! Why not....this is Louisiana! Nothing exciting coming up....maybe I can get some good pictures of Natalie now that she is slightly cooperating! Until next time....
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Natalie - 4 Months
Dear Natalie,
You just turned 4 months old and I can't believe another month has passed! You finally rolled over which was the greatest thing yet! I was so excited that you did it that I yelled and scared you and made you cry! I'm sorry about that but I was so excited I couldn't help it. This past month it doesn't seem like a lot of big milestones but if I really think about it you have developed so much! You are really smiling now and LAUGHING! You love to laugh at me and your daddy and anyone else who will make a face at you! There are many degrees of your laugh, from the actual HAHA to the sucking in air squeak it one of the greatest sounds in the entire world! You also have become a lot more willing to play. Even though you would rather be held you will lay on the floor, play in your bouncy seat (finally) and play in your activity center. You are holding your head up so well! Papa says that you are losing your case of the Stevie's! You also had your first rice cereal! You still hate it but we are working on it! I know in the next couple of months you are going to be transforming into a baby instead of a small infant that can't really move on your own. I love you more and more every day and I can't wait to see what the next month brings! I love you bunches Punkie!
You just turned 4 months old and I can't believe another month has passed! You finally rolled over which was the greatest thing yet! I was so excited that you did it that I yelled and scared you and made you cry! I'm sorry about that but I was so excited I couldn't help it. This past month it doesn't seem like a lot of big milestones but if I really think about it you have developed so much! You are really smiling now and LAUGHING! You love to laugh at me and your daddy and anyone else who will make a face at you! There are many degrees of your laugh, from the actual HAHA to the sucking in air squeak it one of the greatest sounds in the entire world! You also have become a lot more willing to play. Even though you would rather be held you will lay on the floor, play in your bouncy seat (finally) and play in your activity center. You are holding your head up so well! Papa says that you are losing your case of the Stevie's! You also had your first rice cereal! You still hate it but we are working on it! I know in the next couple of months you are going to be transforming into a baby instead of a small infant that can't really move on your own. I love you more and more every day and I can't wait to see what the next month brings! I love you bunches Punkie!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Nat's First Rice Cereal
Well....I thought I was going to wait until Natalie turned 4 months to give her rice cereal....but I thought the Friday before wouldn't make that much of a difference. We were at Ashlyn's and I decided to see what she would was an interesting experience. At first she screamed....I think it was that I put her down before she was good and we tried again after a few minutes and it actually went quite well. She ate it pretty well but didn't eat very much! She actually opened up her mouth a couple of times. She mostly spit it out but I don't think it was on purpose. She really doesn't have the whole eating off a spoon thing down yet. We have been practicing every night and maybe by the time she is actually supposed to be eating it she will have it down! She is very close to rolling over...she just can't get her big Becnel butt over the hump! She is going to the Dr. on Friday so I will have an update of "stats". That is....if I make it through Achievement Day on Wednesday!
We also put in our new floors this weekend! Yay for no more disgusting carpet! I hope we increased the value of our house and not decreased it by doing it ourselves! No it really looks great! I am super excited! I can't wait to show it off!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter!

Happy Easter from the Becnels! We had a pretty exciting weekend! Mama, Daddy, and Carly (Nanna, Papa, and Caca) came for the weekend and Natalie didn't touch her swing the whole time! It was a record I think. We finally bought our floor and I am super excited! I slightly stroked when the man told me the total for everything but other than that I think I am liking the floor more than I am missing the money! I only have to wait two more weeks before it actually gets installed by my hopefully proficient father in law and step father in law!

We went shopping for a dress for Natalie for my cousin's wedding in a couple of weeks. She has lots of cute stuff but nothing really weddingey. We found a really cute cotton dress in a pretty green that looks fantastic!

Nanna with the cutest little Easter Bunny in Louisiana
Today we ate an early lunch with everyone and headed over to Steven's mom's house. Thank goodness we had already eaten because when the oven beeped that their ham was ready Steven went to take it out and realized the oven was off! So finally they ate at about 4. We bought all of the girls bunny ears and they all loved them....Ava only loved hers for about 30 seconds but hey...I take what I can get. We got Nat an Easter basket which I am sure was lost on her but I got some good pictures of her with it and the huge lamb that Nanna brought with her! It amazes me daily how fast this child is growing!
Today we ate an early lunch with everyone and headed over to Steven's mom's house. Thank goodness we had already eaten because when the oven beeped that their ham was ready Steven went to take it out and realized the oven was off! So finally they ate at about 4. We bought all of the girls bunny ears and they all loved them....Ava only loved hers for about 30 seconds but hey...I take what I can get. We got Nat an Easter basket which I am sure was lost on her but I got some good pictures of her with it and the huge lamb that Nanna brought with her! It amazes me daily how fast this child is growing!

Natalie checking out her Easter Basket
I can't believe she is coming up on 4 months in a couple of weeks! Judging from her legs I still think she is going to be tall! I told Ashlyn today that hopefully if she grows up to have her daddy's body at least she will have a pretty face! She is reaching milestones like crazy and her personality is shining! I was getting ready to go this morning and I had already strapped her into hear seat...hoping she would fall asleep before we left and when I came back around the corner I heard her laughing...I walked in the living room and she was watching Madagascar.....intently....and laughing at the Zebra! She loves TV and I know you aren't supposed to let them watch TV until they are 15 or whatever but its all she wants to do! It warmed her daddy's heart that she loves cartoons. I have had to tell him more than once that she is too young to buy movies for but now there is no stopping him!!
Now Natalie is pooped and sleeping in my lap. Its pretty hard to keep up the charm all day! All in all it was a great weekend without being super tired at the end! Until next time!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Our Second Anniversary
Dear Steven,
We have been married for 2 years today! Its hard to believe it has been that long! This past year has been the best! It seems like that first year was so long and difficult and I thought we would never make it, but on April 1st 2008 it seemed like something clicked and we were in our 2nd year and things were automatically better. This year we have settled into our lives, our home, and our jobs. You also helped me create the most beautiful girl on this earth and for that I will love you forever (even when you eat the garlic from the crawfish). Here's to many more great years with you and Natalie! I love you!
We have been married for 2 years today! Its hard to believe it has been that long! This past year has been the best! It seems like that first year was so long and difficult and I thought we would never make it, but on April 1st 2008 it seemed like something clicked and we were in our 2nd year and things were automatically better. This year we have settled into our lives, our home, and our jobs. You also helped me create the most beautiful girl on this earth and for that I will love you forever (even when you eat the garlic from the crawfish). Here's to many more great years with you and Natalie! I love you!

One of our first pictures together
Engagement Picture

Monday, March 30, 2009
Natalie - 3 Months
Dear Natalie
You turned 3 months old yesterday. I can't believe it! You are so big that it kills me! In the past month you have turned into a little person and not a lump (even though I really loved that lump). You wake me up every morning talking on the monitor and even though I am so tired I love going in your room and seeing you smile up at me. You are always so excited that its morning. I hope you stay like that and don't hate to wake up like your daddy! I am so proud of all you can do! You hold your head up so well! You can also sit up with very little assistance. We are still working on the rolling over part but that will come I am sure! You continue to grow out of diapers and clothes and it amazes me daily how fast it all is going! You are also slowly wrapping your daddy tigher around that little finger. Last night we were playing in our bed and you looked him and just smiled and laughed so big! I though he was going to just melt right there. The smile on his face was so happy and bright....a lot different from his usual smiles! I can't wait until you can call him daddy and then he will be completely a mess! You have so many people that love you that its incredible! I go through the list sometimes with you and the list gets pretty long! You are a lucky little girl and I can't wait to see whats next!
Friday, March 27, 2009
New Orleans Lady
We took Natalie to the French Quarter on Sunday and she loved it! Well I guess as much as a 3 month old baby can love something. She was so alert and looking all was probably the pee/puke smell and the loud noise, but hey....she liked it! Anyway we went to the French Market and up and down the streets. We spent way too much on a way too small lunch and then walked around Jackson Square. I took some pictures but they are on my camera that is currently lost somewhere in my house! Jessamy took some really good pictures of our little family that I am excited about. I changed Natalie's diaper under a tree in Jackson Square...sorry little one but you can never say you flashed in the French Quarter....well at least it wasn't for beads! It was kind of cool to take her to the same place that we took our engagement pictures. I am sentimentally dumb like that though. She turns three months on Sunday so you can look forward to my post for that!
Friday, March 20, 2009
My talented child
Well we had an eventful few days this week! We got back from Mama and Daddy's yesterday. I had a meeting in Alexandria on Wednesday and its closer to drive from their house than mine. Mama watched her while I was at the meeting and I think it just reinforced her need to retire and come watch Natalie full time! I really enjoyed my time up there. I didn't feel stressed and it was like a mini-vacation. Also, Natalie slept about 9.5 hours both nights we were there! She didn't do that last night because I had to wake her up at 6 so we could get going, but I think she would have kept on because she was sound asleep and didn't want to wake up!
Last night Natalie was on her tummy time mat...which she DISPISES! I was cleaning up the kitchen and cooking supper and I turned around and she had manuevered herself 90 degrees and was laying on her side watching me. Since she had started out on her tummy facing away from me I was pretty impressed! I now consider her talented because she can turn circles! Daddy said its because her left arm is limp....a HILARIOUS comment made to make fun of me for being such a worrier! She layed the for a while talking to me and then proceeded to get really mad because I wouldn't come pick her normal...and I swear she was going to roll over! Of course her arm was in the way and she didn't! BUT she was going from her back to her side with no effort so I think we are on our way!
Later she was sitting in my lap with her back leaned on my legs and she started flinging herself forward trying to sit up! Again I was impressed! She can sit up for a few seconds and then she falls backwards!
I can't believe how big my girl is getting! She will be walking by next week!
We are going to Steven's mom's tonight to eat crawfish for the first time and I can hardly wait!!! I am sure it will be blast trying to eat crawfish with Natalie screaming bloody murder...I can only assume she will be screaming because every other time I have tried to eat something like that (crabs, chicken wings) she thinks its funny to pick that moment to be fussy....lets hope she is good tonight!
Old Picture...but still applicable!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Monday, March 16, 2009
I need another weekend to recover from my weekend!
It was a LONG weekend full of wonderous activities...mainly shopping! We started out Saturday at the Kid's Expo....not really for Natalie but I did find out about Zumba which is like a dancing workout thing and the first class is free and after that they are only 7.50 each....I love that! I will probably go twice and quit because I hate to exercise but I gotta do something! I still look pregnant....its only been two months but still...gross! Anyway!

I am ready to go shopping Mommy!

To pooped to even eat!

After my first night in my baby bed!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
The only one in my house not Catholic!
I am now the only one in my house that is not Catholic! Natalie had her christening on Sunday and she was beautiful and well behaved! I was like magic! I really liked the way the deacon did the service. He included the grandparents and the other children in the family. My parents were really quite impressed with the whole thing! We took a lot of pictures after. I only have a few from Aunt Carly (or Caca as Daddy and I have decided that she will be called). Jessamy (god mother in law) and Meme took pictures too but I haven't gotten copies of those yet! Her Parrain actually held her for a few shots! I was amazing! Afterward we went to Steven's dads house for a small party that turned into a slightly larger party! It was fun though and Natalie made some money that will go towards her new summer wardrobe to be purchased at the outlet mall this weekend! It was a great day and I am glad that we made the decision to do I just have to get Steven to go to Mass every once in a while.....
Papa giving you his blessing

Me giving you my blessing

In the process...being such a good girl!

My little angel!

The whole family!
Papa getting one last sugar before we head home from the party
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